Un-slump yo’self and navigate midlife with confidence.

There is no “before and after” in the personal development journey. There is only “before and during.” Let me help you find joy in during.

I am a certified professional life and sobriety coach whose mission is to help women find joy in the messy marathon of midlife and motherhood.

We are all born knowing how to put ourselves first and take care of our needs. But as we go through life, many of us allow ourselves to fall from the top of our priority list. We try to mold ourselves into shapes we were never meant to be in order to get to places we feel obligated to go. We hold ourselves to impossible standards. We believe the messages we hear from our family and friends, our communities, and the media telling us so very many erroneous things:

A good parent puts everyone else’s needs before her own.

It’s a bad thing for a woman’s body and looks to differ from the societal ideal.

Alcohol is a rite of passage and a necessity to enjoy adulthood and “survive” parenthood.

An ambitious professional must never unplug if she wants to get ahead.

Let me help you shatter these untruths and break free from all that has kept you from finding your true purpose, experiencing true joy in your life, and reaching your full potential.

It’s time to believe in your capability.


You are not alone.

You no longer need to feel isolated in your struggle or stagnation.

You are enough.

Good. Smart. Kind. Insert your adjective of choice and choose to believe it.

You are worth it.

Worth what? The time, investment, and effort it takes to find and pursue your life’s purpose.

Can coaching really help you? See what my clients have to say.

One Week to Woke

7 Daily Practices to Boost Self-Awareness

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